Makers of beauty
Hair dresser & Wig stylist
René Hulsbosch, Elrhode
Just another day, 2020
Something worth mentioning-
At the moment of shooting with René, Makers of Beauty does not exist. Also, there’s no real awareness about Documentary photography or Photo Journalism. All I have is my 85mm lens and a sincere curiosity to learn more about a maker, who almost never talks about his work or motivations.
Somewhere during our conversations about creativity, hobbies, and not much about hairdressing at all- I realize that I have to do this again. To talk to a maker, learn about their motivations, process and practise. Especially because, these are often not mutually exclusive, and possibly unique to the life of every maker.
With that, I welcome you to the story of the first Maker of Beauty, René Hulsbosch- Hair dresser & Wig Stylist by day, Artist and collector by other times.
Find below photos taken during our conversation and some well, polished pearls of wisdom.
I begin with beginnings.
Did you know you wanted to work with hair? To be a Hairdresser?
René tells me about first working in a salon to help his sister- washing hair for clients, and doing other such tasks. This is probably where inspiration struck, I’m thinking.
Did you enjoy working there?
Ya…It was great to meet different kinds of people, talk to them, know them for years.
Not what I was expecting. And yet- it’s apparent that an openness and a natural ability to relate with people, is at that core of René’s work and interactions. You cannot miss it!
The clients who walk past us share brief but meaningful interactions with René, who is sure to respond with thoughtful questions, share kind words or advice. It’s the kind of short hand that comes with time, possibly even with friendship.
During on of these interactions, as I patiently observe, I’m left to wonder-
What truly defines a maker? Their craft/skill or stories created during the process? The objects they create or the people who create relationships with their made objects?
Untitled. René Hulsbosch, Antwerp. 2020
Conversations meander to creative vocations.
We discover a shared passion for the graduate shows of the Fashion department at Royal Academy of Antwerp.
René tells me about his early career years, working backstage at graduate shows, styling hair for models, for next to no wages. It was bigger and more artistic things, he tells me- very different from what he did at Elrhode, but
It was great. The creativity and spirit to make something happen out of nothing. There was so much of that.
I learn further about his passion for making large installations with a friend. When possible, they collect winter branches near his home outside the city, bring them together in gardens, public parks and create big installations. This is the same friend with whom he retrieved Art years ago.
And before I know it, another story is begun. NOT about hairdressing, but yet another creative vocation. So I keep up and learn more about René’s time in retrieving Art from old, decommissioned/ ruined palaces.
With my friend, we would drive to old castles in Belgium and find paintings, figures,…big pillars and drive back with them. We cleaned them a lot, restored them and sold them to interested people, dealers, collectors…
Some, we would keep.
I learn more about René’s connection with the world of Art. He mentions visiting expositions in Paris, about buying paintings from artists in their ateliers, about lighting issues in artist studios, atmosphere, feeling and all other elements that help artists to create Art and feel solace everyday…
We’ve meandered as farther away as I can imagine, from hair dressing. And yet I’m closer to knowing this maker in the most real way as one can-
…We have to be creative! Everyone. In any way.
With this, Makers of Beauty begins.
Find more stories, creative perspectives and motivations here.